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Can I choose to show my ad(s) on Hulu, Disney+, or a combination of both?

Yes! When setting up your campaign line items, you can choose whether you want your ad(s) to run on Hulu, Disney+, or Disney Streaming Entertainment. With Disney Streaming Entertainment, your ad(s) will be shown across Hulu and Disney+ for optimal ad delivery.

What is a line item? How many line items can I add to a campaign?

A line item, also known as an ad group, includes your ad(s) and details such as budget, schedule, audience targeting, and more. It defines which ad(s) will be shown, when they will run, and who will see them. Each line item can have up to 3 ads, and you can add up to 20 line items per campaign.

What is a campaign?

A campaign is a grouping of line item(s). Each campaign can have up to 20 line items.

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