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Introducing Generation Stream

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We know that as a business owner, taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture is key to making your brand stand out and to growing your business. Not only do you need to focus on tactical ways to reach your clients, but there’s also value in digging deeper and understanding who your clients are and what’s important to them.
In an effort to take a broader look at the streaming audience, Hulu launched a foundational, thought leadership exploration called Generation Stream. This study is a deep dive into the streaming audience, including their attitudes and motivations. It provides an insightful, timely look at the state of streaming TV. Generation Stream provides an understanding of the power and impact of the streaming movement, and the next generation of TV viewers – and where better to reach these streamers than right on Hulu!
We have great findings on how the streaming audience consumes content and advertisements, what is most important to them, and what trends will drive future behaviors. We wanted to share all this with you so that as an SMB, you can find and connect in meaningful ways with Generation Stream.

Who is Generation Stream?

Generation Stream is streamers. They are a multigenerational group that crosses all age, race, and gender bounds. They’re connected by a common behavior – streaming. They are young, affluent, driven, always connected, content curators, and early adopters. Generation Stream is more trendsetting: they are more likely to be open-minded, pop-culture influenced, and politically engaged.

And their love of streaming is strong:

Generation Steam 91%

Trends Defining The Future Of Streaming TV

Through trend exploration research, interviews with individuals at the forefront of culture (“Culturesetters”) and industry experts, as well as a nationally representative survey, this initiative identified 5 key trends reshaping how viewers watch TV. Here’s a quick snapshot of our full reports that we’ll be sharing with you:

Unpacking the Streaming Experience

Generation Stream crosses all corners of culture, spans generations, and sets the bar high for the evolution of TV and film. But, not all streaming experiences are alike, as different experiences appeal to different demographics, psychographics, and moods of the viewer. This report introduces the audience shaping what the world will watch next.

Unpacking The Streaming Experience


This trend explores the way moods, serendipity, and good old-fashioned browsing are making a comeback among a generation of streamers relying on their emotional compass as they navigate endless content choices. Generation Stream is putting more trust in their emotions as they sort through content choices, and they recognize the deep need for freedom of choice as well as the pleasure of surprise.


Beauty in the Binge

Now that viewers are no longer tied to scheduled programming, this trend highlights how there is more to explore, watch, indulge in – and, of course, binge. Bingeing is the #1 way 13-to-54-year-olds’ viewing experience has changed and is the definitive way Generation Stream watches TV.

Beauty and the Binge

The TV Multiverse

Generation Stream is creating new “networks” of television – constellations of fandom that connect like-minded fans and form personalized content communities. This report reveals how these constellation communities are taking connection over content a step further. It’s about more than just watching a show – it’s the community bonds, personal connections, and conversations that extend the TV viewing experience.

The TV Multiverse

Streams of Consciousness

This report does a deep dive on Gen Zs (ages 13-24) who use streaming as a self-exploration process to define who they are and what they stand for. Gen Zs see themselves in the complexities of characters’ identities, push for cultural connectedness, and seek content that deepens their niche interests.

Steams Of Consciousness

Leveraging Generation Stream For Your Business

Not only has streaming TV become the dominant way of watching content over the last few years, it is also an extremely attractive channel for advertisers to capture consumer attention when and where viewers are most engaged.

As your business starts exploring advertising on Hulu Ad Manager, it’s important to understand the streaming audience so that you can curate the best advertising for them. By learning more about Generation Stream, you’ll be armed with more information on how to best capture streamers’ attention. By leveraging Hulu’s self-service ad solution, businesses of any size can take advantage of the many benefits that advertising through streaming TV has to offer and reach Generation Stream at the same time.

Source: Culture Co-op, Generation Stream Report, April 2020.

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